[VCB-Studio] Akudama Drive / 全员恶玉 / アクダマドライブ 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin][bt磁力种子]
2022-03-21 来源:旧番剧
全员恶玉 / Akudama Drive / アクダマドライブ BDRip 10-bit 1080p HEVC FLAC AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.1 GB。 内封评论音轨。 原盘画质中上,线条有明显的拉升带来的锯齿和振铃,且原盘加了非常强的噪点,导致线条周围出现了较严重的蚊噪,总体观感就是线条很“脏"。好消息是尽管原盘画面五彩斑斓,渐变极多,暗场极多,但得益于高强度的噪点,没有出现明显的色带。处理手段也就是对线条逆向拉升再重构,接着进行常规的抗锯齿处理。然后是轻微的去色带和补偿性锐化。出于对成品体积的考虑,对于原盘高强度的噪点,我们除了进行常规的自适应降噪之外,还对时域部分进行了中等强度的模糊处理。最后补上较大力度的去振铃处理,顺便抹去原盘线条周围的蚊噪。
The source quality is above average. Upscaling has made the lines quite aliased with ringing. The production also added very strong noise. As a consequence, there are quite severe "mosquito noise" issues in the line art, which just make the lines look "dirty". On the positive side, although this anime is very colorful, with many color transitions and dark scenes, the large amount of grains successfully prevent the color banding artifact.