[DHR动研字幕组&茉语星梦&VCB-Studio] DanMachi / 在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1-S2 MOVIE Fin][bt磁力种子](2)
2022-03-21 来源:旧番剧
Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.S1 - Legacy Comment这个番作画分辨率类似于舰C,算是次世代的作画水平,只是制作原盘的时候没有加保护,导致色带非常严重,而且某场景还把低分辨率的贴图贴在了高清的背景上……所以做了对应的修复。由于制作时间跨度较大,所以制作合集的时候 rev 了前两卷的内容,加强了 deband 效果,新的处理方法也提升细节保护力度。此番属于非常适合 x265 压制的一类,在有效降低体积的同时,几乎看不到什么损失。Most scenes in the BD source are of fantastic quality, with drawings of native 1080p resolution.
However, the color-banding is quite annoying in certain scenes, and a few paintings get very heavy aliasing. We tried to fix them before encoding.The first two volumes get revised from the previous release, as later we improved our initial methods for de-banding.With sharp edges and very little digital noise, this project is pretty suitable for HEVC encoding, securing high quality and low bit-rate at the same time.