[VCB-Studio] Kokoro Connect / 心灵链环 / ココロコネクト 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin][bt磁力种子](2)
2022-03-21 来源:旧番剧
VCB-Studio 没有再包管搜集做品相干 CD 战扫图资本的申明 VCB-Studio 多年去吸收了诸多不雅寡。各人正在承认咱们望频编码量质的共时,也歌颂咱们完全的附带公布实质,特别是相干 CD。 完全的附带实质是收拾整顿组员们勤奋的效果,那无信是咱们的自豪。但是,咱们必需坦行:收拾整顿组已经面对少达数年的人力瓶颈,经营愈收维艰。 为了保证 VCB-Studio 此后名目的公布频率,收拾整顿组加背势正在必止,因而咱们决议:没有再请求收拾整顿组尽量汇集一切取名目间接相干的、已经正在线上地下搁流/受权分享的 CD 战扫图。 当前公布的名目仍能够包括 CD 或者扫图,这大概不过由于担任的收拾整顿组员实爱。咱们将默许没有再附加 CD 战扫图,请了解咱们末将没法满意一切等待。 固然,随蓝光一同刊行的望频类特典(NCOP/NCED/预报片/访道等等)依然会局部制造,一如往常。
VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans VCB-Studio has attracted a sizable audience over the years. Many people seem to like our encodes, while there are also many who appreciate the completeness of our releases, especially CDs. We are proud of all the hard work of our collation members for that. However, as a matter of fact, we have been shorthanded of collation members for quite a few years - this is not sustainable.