
2022-10-28 来源:旧番剧

1--Our story begins high over New York City...我们的故事开始于
2--in the luxurious penthouse apartment...一间纽约市的属于也许是这个世界上最不像天才的…
3--of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known.楼顶豪华别墅里。
4--Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga.对不起,被你撞见我在做瑜伽了。
5--You were expecting downward dog, perhaps?你以为我是一只倒过来的狗?
6--My name is Mr. Peabody.我的名字是皮博迪。
7--And since we"re going to be spending some time together...因为我们将会相处一段时间…
8--I"d like to tell you a little bit about myself.所以我愿意先和你介绍一下我自己。
9--You see, ever since I was a pup...当我还是一只小狗的时候…
10--it was clear that I was different.很显然我与众不同。
11--I tried to fit in...我曾试着融进狗群…
12--No, thank you.不,谢了。
13--But never could.但总是做不到。
14--As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates...随着我逐渐长大,我见到越来越多的“狗友”……
15--being chosen by their new families.被新家庭领养了。
16--But for some reason, I never was.但出于某些原因,我从来没被认领过。
17--Come on, boy! Fetch the stick!来吧小狗狗,去捡回来!
18--But why? Won"t you just throw it again?为什么?你想要我捡回来让你再扔一次么?
