2022-10-30 来源:旧番剧
462--There is a cave, boy, a Cave of Wonders,孩子,有一个谷名叫奇幻谷
463--filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.那里堆满了你永远 也想象不到的金银财宝
465--Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I"d wager.我敢打赌,那些财宝足以打动你的公主
466--Jafar, can you hurry up? I"m dyin" in here.贾法尔,能不能快点? 我快要闷死了
467--- [squawking] - But the law says only a prince can...但是法律规定只有王子才能...
468--You"ve heard of the golden rule, haven"t you?你听说过"有钱能使鬼推磨"吗?
469--Whoever has the gold makes the rules.谁有钱谁就能制定法律
470--[wheezing laugh]
471--Why would you share all of this wonderful treasure with me?你为什么会和我分享 这些金银财宝?
472--I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it.我需要一双年轻的腿 一个强壮的身体才能进到谷里
473--Uh, one problem.还有一个问题
474--It"s out there. We"re in here.那个谷在外面,我们却还在这里
475--Uh-uh. Things aren"t always what they seem.事情远非看起来那样简单
477--do we have a deal?一言为定?
478--Oh, I don"t know.我不知道