
2022-11-04 来源:旧番剧
We fight shoulder to shoulder.我们并肩作战。
Foreigners have a high nose.外国人的鼻子很高。
I"ve been coughing day and night.我一直在咳嗽。
She must have a sweet tooth.她肯定特别爱吃甜食。
You still have a full head of hair.你的头发很茂盛。
There is an insect on your shoulder.你的肩膀上有只虫。
My mother loves to paint her toena v ils.我的妈妈爱涂脚指甲油。
If you want a straight back, sit up right.如果你想要后背很直,那就好好坐。
I made it!成功了!
I like it.我喜欢。
I feel great.舒服极了。
She is happy.她很开心。
I"m very happy.我很开心。
Sounds great!听起来不错!
I enjoyed it.我很欣赏它。
Looks great!看上去真不错。
Talk about luck.真幸运呀!
I"m interested.我很感兴趣。
Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。
You made me happy.你让我感到幸福。
I jumped for joy.我高兴地跳了起来。
I"m in good mood today.我今天的心情很好。
You look happy today.你今天看上去很高兴。
I"ve never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过。
There are so many exuberant children in the park.公园里有好多兴高采烈的孩子。
She was absolutely up in the air because he asked her to the party.他请了她参加晚会,她高兴极了。
