
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
be badly off 潦倒,贫困(比较:be well off 富有)
be badly treated 受到虐待 be born 出生,出世
be / become endangered 频临危险
be in contact with 与……有交往
(比较:make contact with 与……联络
lose / break contact with 与……失去联系
lose touch with = be out of touch with 与……失去联系
be in touch with = stay / keep in touch with 与……保持联系
get in touch with = get into contact with sb 与……取得联系
bring … into touch with 使……接触,使……认识
keep track of… 与……保持联系,了解……的动态,记录……)
be in possession of = take possession of 持有,拥有,占有,占领
(比较:be in sb’s possession = be in the possession of sb 被某人占有/拥有
come into sb’s possession 被某人占有/拥有)
be in the charge of 在某人的掌管下,由某人经营/照顾
(比较:be in charge of 掌管,管理,照顾)
be mentally disturbed 精神失常 be of benefit 有利的,有好处的
be of (no) effect 有(无)效
be of different sizes / weights / shapes 大小不一/重量不同/形状各异
(比较:be of the same size / weight / shape 大小/重量/形状相同)
be of great importance / value 非常重要,有重要性
be of high / good quality 高质量的(比较:be of poor quality 质量糟糕的)
