
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
attempt to do sth 试图做某事 attend school / university 上学/上大学
attend the meeting 出席会议 attend to 处理,照顾,关照,倾听
attract / draw / call sb’s attention 吸引某人注意
above all 首要的是,尤其是 according to 根据
action film / movie 动作片 advanced mathematics 高等数学
again and again 一次又一次,一再,反复
against the wall 靠着墙
ahead of… 优于,超过,比……早,在……的前面
alarm clock 闹钟 along with… 和……一起
and so on 等等 and things like that ……之类的东西
another day 改天 any more 再,又
apart from 除……都,除……以外
around the corner 在拐角处,即将来临
(比较:on the way = in store 即将来临
draw near 即将来临,就要来临,逼近 )
be after 寻找,追踪,追求 be /act against 违背,违反,反对
be from 从……来,是……人 be next to 在……隔壁,紧挨着……
be off / leaving 离开 be out (灯火)熄灭,(人)外出
be out of 没有,用完 be up 起床
be up against 面对 be up to sb 由某人决定
be up to sth 忙于某事,从事于 be upon 逼近,临近
be anxious about … 为……而忧虑/着急/担心
(比较:be anxious for … 渴望,非常希望
be concerned about / for… 为……而忧虑/着急/担心
be concerned about / with… 对……关切/关注/感兴趣)
be careful about / of / with sth 注意,留意,当心
