
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
It has come to our knowledge that you have been cheating the company. 据我们了解你一直欺骗公司。
The group has been living in a remote corner of the Cambodian jungle. 该部落一直居住在柬埔寨的丛林深处。
⒉ 表示“重复”
如:We’ve all along been making mistakes like this. 我们一直犯这样的错误。
Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week. 一星期以来吉姆每天晚上给詹妮打电话。
㈣ 与现在完成进行连用的主要时间状语
现在完成进行时所用的时间状语:all day / month; this month / week / year; these days; recently / lately; in the past few 时间段; since 时间点; for 时间段等等。
如:He has been working all day. 他整天都在工作。
They have been building the bridge for two month. 两个月来他们一直在修桥。
They have been planting trees this month. 这个月来他们一直在植树。
Car sales have been shrinking recently. 汽车销量近来一直在下降。
Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the last week. 上星期,吉姆天天晚上都给詹妮打电话。
The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year. 自从新年以来,双方就一直在试图联手。
㈤ 现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别
⒈ 现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时强调动作的延续,因此,表示动作的完成,只能用现在完成时,而不能用现在完成进行时。
