
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Don"t worry, I will drive you to the stop.And if the bus has already left, I can get you to your apartment.
The traffic is terrible. We are going to be date. by the time we get to the airport, bob"s plane will already have arrived, and he will be wondering where we are.这显然是说话人在车里,看着当时路上拥堵的交通状况,做出了要迟到的预测。
You look very pale. I am sure you are going to go sick.你看起来很苍白,我想你肯定是要生病了。你看起来脸色苍白是生病的迹象。
④ be going to do往往还表示当前已有迹象表明说话者无力控制的即将发生的行为。
如:Help! I am going to fall!救命呀,我要掉下去了。
Oh,my dear!They are going to drive into that tree.
Hurry up!The cup is going to drop.
⑤ will 用于在某种条件下某事才会发生的情况。所以,在带有条件或时间状语从句的主句中,我们通常用will 表示预测,而不用be going to。
如:You will feel better,when you take this medicine.吃了这些药,你就会感觉好些的。
If you don"t hurry up,he won"t wait for you any more.
If you speak more, your English will be better and better.
Be going to do除了有推测的意思,我们最熟悉的一个用法就是常用它来表示计划或打算。说话人已经在头脑里早做出决定将来要做某件事,并且往往还含有已经为这一行为做了某些准备的意思。又因为只有人才能有主观的思维意识去对将来的行为做出计划,因此,be going to do表示计划或打算时,为人称主语。人称主语既有推测的用法,也有表示计划与打算。如果是非人称主语,be going to不会是表示计划打算,而是推测。
