2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
还有,陈水扁那帮人把中国大陆台盟创建人之一,第一届全国人大代表、华东军政委员会委员、全国妇女联合会执行委员的谢雪红奉为“台独之母”—— 这是欺负台湾人不读书啊。还有最近某些人炒作的什么“台湾老农退休金月入7000 ”这样的话题,在两岸全面交流的背景下,会产生什么样的反效果,估计他们没想过。
Now, so many people are making up the idea that the island is full of people who want independence and must die. This is because they are afraid of cross-Straits exchanges. Because when people on both sides of the strait find that the other side is not a monster, not a fool, but a normal person, each with his own fate, how can you stir up anti-China sentiment? Decades of anti-Chinese and anti-Communist propaganda on the island will come back to bite them.
As far as these guys are concerned, the mainland will not let him go. He will die. Since this is the case, why not the island "wall grass" pull together to die, let the mainland kill them, their own gas, and can give the mainland trouble, is also for their own revenge.