
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
125. Nothing in the world moves faster than light. 世界上没有比光速度更快的了。
126. I have a pain in my back.我的背疼。
127. Jim will go to his teacher whenever he has questions. 吉姆一有问题就找他的老师。
128. I had no choice.我别无选择。
129. Talking for a long time makes me tired. 长时间的谈话使我感到疲倦。
130. Would you mind waiting outside? 请你在外面等,好吗?
131. I"m having a headache now. 我现在有点头疼。
132. I"ll be waiting for you at the library this time tomorrow.我明天这时候在图书馆等你。
133. I feel satisfied with my life.我对生活感到满意。
134. I feel lonely without you.没有你我感到孤独。
135. The earthquake in Sichuan made Chinese people unite as one.
136. Take an umbrella with you in case of rain.带上雨伞以防下雨。
137. Did you go fishing with your friends last Sunday? 上周日你与你的朋友去钓鱼了?
138. When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.
139. Who"s going to answer the door? 谁去开门?
140. The teacher came earlier than expected(预期). 老师来得比预期的早。
