
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(46)Department of English local History Archive,"The Pleasure and Pains of the Local Historian.A Personal Occasion-a Farewell Lecture,"转引自Charles Phythian-Adams,"Hoskins"s England:A Local Historian of Genius and the Realisation of His Theme," Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society,Vol.66(1992),p.145.
(47)M.W.Beresford,"The Review of The Midland Peasant:The Economic and Social History of a Leicestershire Village by W.G.Hoskins," The Economic History Review,Vol.11,no.1(1958),p.155.
(48)John Beckett,"W.G.Hoskins and the Victoria County History in Leicestershire," Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society,Vol.85(2011),pp.165-191.
(49)R.B.Pugh,"Editorial Note," in W.G.Hoskins ed.,The Victoria County History of the County of Leicester,Vol.II,London:Oxford University Press,1954,p.xiii.
(50)John Beckett,"W.G.Hoskins and the Victoria County History in Leicestershire," Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society,Vol.85(2011),p.168.
