
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
2. joint enterprise的汉语意思是____C_____.
A.国有企业 B.集体企业 C.合资企业 D. 私营企业
A.化妆水 B.面膜 C.卸妆水 D.眼霜
4.airline timetables的中文意思是____C_____.
A.火车时刻表 B.汽车时刻表 C.航班时刻表 D.广播及电视节目表
5. F:who do you work for?
M:Ace International.
F:That"s a___B_____,isn"t it?
M:Yes,that"s right.the head quarters are in Amsterdam, but I____A____there.I work in Rotterdam.We operate in120 countries and____C____in 24.
A.don"t work B.Dutch company C.manufacture
6.F:______B______?M:Gold star electronics.It"s a Korean company.It"s part of the Samsung Group. F:Oh,____A_____ M:At the headquarters.That"s in Seoul.But I travel a lot.We___C___in over80 countries, so I"m not actually in my office that often. A.Where do you work? B.Who do you work for? C.have branches.
7.F:Can you____B_____about your company?M:We"re in the financial services business.Traveler"s checks,charge cards,____C____and that kind of thing.I am sure you have heard of us…American Express.The____A___is in New York,but we have offices all over the world.A.head office B.tell me something C.banking
