
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Ne is INFPs’ preferred extraverted function and one of the primary tools they use to explore the outside world. These explorations may include things like dabbling in countercultures, experimenting with drugs, starting their own band, traveling overseas, joining the Peace Corps, etc. Through these experiences, they hope to get a better sense of who they are and where they might fit into the world. Through this process of world exploration (which is equally, if not more, about self-exploration) many INFPs will either modify or part ways with the religious and political views they were raised with.
The liberal and explorative ways of Ne are checked and countered by INFPs’ tertiary Si and inferior Te, which urge them to “be responsible” and follow a more traditional path. INFPs who heed this prompting will function more conventionally (e.g., finish their degree, get a job, get married, etc.) and may look less like seekers. They may, however, be more disposed to a mid-life identity crisis if they conclude that the path they chose was not authentically their own. Perhaps most commonly, Phase II INFPs feel themselves bouncing between unconventional (Fi-Ne) and conventional (Si-Te) paths as they try to discern what works best for them.