
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
3.She picked up a photo ,gazed at it for a while , and placed it carefully into the album.她拿起一张照片,凝视了一会儿,小心翼翼地把它放进专辑里。
4.Jack cupped his hand over Rose’s ear and began whispering his plan.杰克把手捧过罗斯的耳朵,开始低声说他的计划。
5.Grandpa patted me on the shoulder ,held my hands gently and told me not to worry.爷爷拍拍我的肩膀,轻轻地握住我的手,告诉我别担心。
6.My mom gathered me into her arms and whispered to comfort me .妈妈把我抱进怀里,低声安慰我。
7.Jack struggled in the water , waving his hands and shouting ,:”help.”杰克在水里挣扎,挥手大喊:‘救命’。
8.The whole class burst out clapping and cheering ./the class was filled with thunderous applause .全班爆发出雷鸣般的掌声和欢呼声。
.拖着疲劳的双腿 drag one’s legs 跪下 kneel down on your knees
sink /fall /drop to your knees
追逐 chase after 冲 dash
溜进 slip into/ steal into 逃跑 flee away
前往 head for/ to=make one’s way to 加快脚步 quicken one’s steps
跳了起来 Raise/jump/struggle to one’s feet Step into
1.She jumped to her feet when she heared the news.听到这个消息,她跳了起来。
2.He was on his kneels ,searching for the missing ring.他跪在地上,寻找失踪的戒指。
