
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
细节理解题。根据文章“Join a black-tie gastronomical safari”部分内容“We are really excited to invite you back to the Dorchester Hotel, who are our generous hosts, and together aim to celebrate wildlife and the wilderness in style and to raise vital funds to help in the fight for a greener future.(我们非常激动地邀请您再次来到多尔切斯特酒店——我们的慷慨东道主,我们将共同以时尚的方式赞美野生动物和荒野,并筹集重要的资金,帮助争取更绿色的未来。
细节理解题。根据文章“Book tickets to the Wildlife Ball 2022”部分内容“Individual Tickets: £200 (Children under 12 get 40% off)(个人票:200英镑(12岁以下儿童4折))”可知,单人票价为200英镑,12岁以下儿童4折应是“200英镑*(100%-40%)=120英镑”,因此,一对夫妇两人带着10岁的双胞胎儿童,票价应是“200英镑*2 120英镑*2=640英镑”。故选D项。
At Girls Build summer camp in Oregon, girls are learning how to use power tools like saws and drills. The camp is filled with construction excitement. Wearing hard hats and tool belts (腰带) wrapped twice around their tiny waists, girls are working on everything from pouring concrete planters to covering the roof of a sandbox. With every project they turn a pile of raw material into an actual structure.
