
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“These girls are learning many things can be built, taken apart, and put back together. They don’t have to fit themselves into the designed world—they can build a world that fits them. And that knowledge is a pretty powerful tool to have in their belts.”(这些女孩正在学习许多可以建造、拆卸和组装的东西。她们不必让自己融入设计的世界,她们可以建立一个适合自己的世界。而她们在动手建造时学到的知识是一个非常强大的工具。)可知,女孩们可以通过学习知识建立一个适合自己的世界,这些知识是非常强大的工具,由此可知,最后一段传达给我们的信息是知识就是力量。
推理判断题。通读文章,结合第一段关键句“At Girls Build summer camp in Oregon, girls are learning how to use power tools like saws and drills. The camp is filled with construction excitement.”(在俄勒冈州的Girls Build夏令营,女孩们正在学习如何使用锯子和钻头等电动工具。营地里充满了建筑的激情。)可知,文章主要介绍了俄勒冈州的Girls Build夏令营,通过教女孩们实际操作的建造技能,来提高她们对自己能力的信心,由此可知,关于夏令营活动的文章可能出自一本受欢迎的杂志。故选D项。
Living on the Florida Emerald Coast, people view a hurricane as a common thing. So it is not unusual for a family to have several full gas cans and bottled water stored in their houses all summer.
Though unwilling to evacuate from a hurricane, on September 15,my family was forced to leave our home for my grandfather"s house several miles away. We spent the early part of that evening watching the hurricane draw closer on the Weather Channel. Around nine o"clock, a loud sound shook the house, turned over the roof and carried it off. Soon came an indoor rainstorm.
