
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
The 528-centimeter-long work is noted for its reasonable ___57___(arrange) and perfect composition. With the painting gradually unfolded, the first thing___58___(catch) the eye is the early spring scenery outside Bianjing: streams, bridges, boats and sprouting (发芽) trees. Some travelers are hurrying on their way in the thin fog, ___59___(present) a typical picture of the Qingming Festival.
At the end of the country road___60___(come) the middle part-the Bianhe River, the “Golden Waterway” of Bianjing. Several ships are sailing on the river while some others are docked (停泊) with goods being unloaded, ___61___ truly shows the advanced shipping industry at that time.
The last part is the crowded and noisy downtown, where various people are going about various businesses. So___62___(incredible) alive does the painting look that it seems as if we could see the people walking by and hear ___63___ they are talking about.
Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival serves as ___64___window to the Song Dynasty, providing very ____65____(value) materials for future generations to understand and study Chinese people’s economic and social life over 800 years ago.
