
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
W: Oh, no.
M: The driver didn"t speak any English or French and he didn"t have a phone on him-can you believe it? And his radio didn"t work. So there was no way he could get in touch with the office to get them to send another taxi.
W: Then what did you do?
M: Well. I actually thumbed a lift.
W: You what?
M: I stood on the side of the freeway and stuck my thumb out. There were a lot of cars going by, but no one stopped. At last a passing truck stopped and took me to the airport.
W: Wow, good for you.
M: Yes, but he drove really slowly. I missed my flight.
W: It"s too awful.
M: Yes, I had to wait three bours for the next one. I didn’t get home till four in the morning. When I got home, I realized I"d left my house keys in my hotel in Bangkok.
W: Oh, poor you!


