
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧


1、Hunting is allowed in this area, though not officially permitted.这个地区是可以狩猎的,尽管法律上不允许。allow指“听凭”,“不禁止”,含有消极的意味。permit指正式地“允许”或根据法律规定“许可”, 比allow来得积极。
2、I received his gift from him, but I didn’t accept it .我收到他的礼物,但我没有接受。
3、You should be ashamed of your shameful behaviors.你应该为你的可耻的行为感到羞愧。
4、The boss insisted that the man had stolen the money and insisted that he (should) leave the company at once.老板坚持说那个人偷了钱并坚持要求他立刻离开公司。
5、There are so many cakes for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose.有那么多的蛋糕可供从中选择,我无法决定选择哪一个。
6、Be sue to get to the airport on time, and make sure everything is ready before you start.务必要准时到机场并且确保在出发前一切都准备好了。
7、It seemed that she was not a bit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it.表面看来她似乎一点也不担心,事实上她非常担心。
8、He felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep.他觉得很瞌睡很快就睡着了。
