
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
A. all over B. by C. as D. for
88. All the students _______when they heard the good news.
A. were cheered B. cheered C. are cheered D. cheering
89. Modem can be used for connecting a computer ______ a phone line.
A. with B. for C. to D. towards
90. _______ the population by the year 2050?
A. How many will be B. How much will be C. What will be D. What will
91. Your ticket must _______ ahead of time.
A. book B. be booked C. order D. be ordered
92. You must_______ try _______make mistakes any more.
A. not, to B. /, not to C. /, don"t D. /, to
93. Don"t _______the seas any more, or the living things in them will die.
A. litter B. litter into C. litter to D. litter in
94. In the first half, we scored three_______.
A. balls B. footballs C. goals D. games
95. Last year the boss of a large factory _______two million yuan to our school.
A. gave in B. gave up C. gave back D. gave away
96. I saw him _______ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.
