
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
That day after classes, Mr. Rowe chose Steven to pitch (投球) the kickball during the break. “Hey, Steven,” Mr. Rowe commented, “You are good at pitching. Let me show you my secret trick.” Mr. Rowe taught Steven one of the tricks that not a single kid could perform. Steven learned fast and did quite well! Everyone cheered for him!
After the kickball, Steven sat as close to Mr. Rowe in classes as he could. When a question was asked, Steven lit up; when he knew the answer, he raised his hand; when he answered the question, his voice shook. However, he got the answer right! He said, with Mr. Rowe, his days of the fourth grade promised wonderful. It was obvious that Steven grew to love Mr. Rowe more and more with each passing day.
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Time passed quickly that year, and before we all knew it, it was the last day of school.
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Many years later, Mr. Rowe and I were surprised when a handsome young man walked into our classroom, dressed in the army uniform.
