
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
1. 高中三年的收获(如学习策略、品格培养或交友等方面)
2. 对于未来的展望(对大学生活的期待等)
How time flies! My colorful high school life is coming to an end. The past three years has witnessed my growth in many ways, particularly academically and in character-building. High school is a time of self-discovery and has shaped me into an active learner with better time management and learning strategies. Failures also have taught me how to turn them into something positive and continue to seek my passions. Besides, I am lucky to have made many like-minded friends with whom to share my joy and sorrow and to progress together.
Hopefully all my efforts will pay off and I can be admitted to a dream university, where I will keep trying hard and reward the world with what I will have learned. Much as I cherish the present, I can’t wait to start a new chapter in my life.
The Person I’m Grateful to
When it comes to the one I’m grateful to, I will tell you without hesitation that it is my father. Not only does he take good care of me physically, but he also inspires me spiritually.
