
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
To start with, form a good habit by going to bed and getting up early, which is surely beneficial to you in the long run. Secondly, have a balanced diet. Try to eat both plant foods and animal foods. Besides, taking plenty of exercise is necessary, which can prevent you from feeling tired. Moreover, it is important to stick to the rule that only a good body can we do everything better.
In a word, a healthy diet, moderate exercise and a good life habit do good to your health.
Since childhood, I have been learning Chinese calligraphy. Out of interest at first, it turned out to be a rewarding experience. With the guidance of my grandfather, not only did I make sense of some complicated characters through daily practice, but more importantly, I became more patient and focused.
Learning calligraphy is one of the best ways to approach Chinese traditional culture, which is well represented with lines, structure, strength and balance embodied in each character.
Therefore, I make a sincere appeal to all of the students to learn calligraphy and explore the legacy of Chinese traditional culture.
