
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Now, let’s give our warm applauses to welcome Professor Cooper!
春节:the Spring Festival
1. 打扫卫生:clean the house / sweep dust out of the house
2. 放烟花/放爆竹:set off the firework / light firecrackers
3. 贴福字/贴对联:decorate the house with conventional characters / paste Spring Festival couplets / decorate the doors with red couplets
4. 看春晚:watch the Spring Festival Gala
5. 吃团圆:have a big feast / a reunion dinner
6. 包饺子:make dumplings
7. 收压岁钱:receive lucky money / gift money
8. 发红包: give red envelope
9. 逛庙会:spend time at temple fairs
10. 看舞龙舞狮:watch dragon and lion dances
端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival
1. 包/吃粽子:make/eat Zongzi
2. 看直播/现场看龙舟赛:watch the dragon boat race live on TV/on the spot
3. 参加龙舟赛:enter for the dragon-boat race
4. 纪念屈原:in memory of Quyuan, an ancient Chinese poet
重阳节: the Double Ninth Festival
1. 登高:climb mountains
2. 家庭聚会:family get-together
3. 喝菊花茶:drink Chrysanthemum Tea
4. 看望老人:visit the elderly
