
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Then I"llgo over to Altamont and sit near the stage
Put yourhead out the window, let the good times roll
There"s aparty going on behind the Grassy Knoll
Stack upthe bricks, pour the cement
Don"t sayDallas don"t love you, Mr. President
Put yourfoot in the tank and then step on the gas
Try to makeit to the triple underpass
Blackfacesinger, whiteface clown
Better notshow your faces after the sun goes down
Up in thered light district, they"ve got cop on the beat
Living in anightmare on Elm Street
When you"redown on Deep Ellum, put your money in your shoe
Don"t askwhat your country can do for you
Cash on thebarrelhead, money to burn
DealeyPlaza, make a left-hand turn
I"m goingdown to the crossroads, gonna flag a ride
The placewhere faith, hope, and charity died
Shoot himwhile he runs, boy, shoot him while you can
See if youcan shoot the invisible man
Goodbye,Charlie! Goodbye, Uncle Sam!
Frankly,Miss Scarlett, I don"t give a damn
