
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Xie also said in his speech that a good overall environment makes doing business a lot easier.If the China-US relationship gets worse,the business community can hardly stay unaffected."We are all stakeholders.None of us shall sit idly by.Every one of us needs to take actions,speak up for free trade and open market,as this serves our common interests and the stability of global industrial and supply chains,"he said.
The US side recently has expressed its non-intention to decouple with China,but some are now using another word,"de-risking",Xie observed.
Xie underscored in his speech that if"de-risking"is used as a cover for"de-coupling",it will hammer in more nails for China-US relationship.
Xie quoted the inscription at the gate of the Commerce Research Library that reads,"Cultivate peace and commerce with all."The US used to champion globalization and free trade,encouraging others to open their doors and become part of the world economy.Back-pedaling and turning inward would not serve anyone"s interests.