
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
—Sure. Go down Long Street and turn left. You can’t miss it.
A.how I can get to the cinema
B.when the movie starts
C.whether you like it
21.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)—I wonder ________.
—I’m not sure. Maybe next week.
A.where they will go B.who will give us a talk
C.how he will come back D.when her baby will be born
22.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)—Excuse me, I’m new here. Could you tell me ________?
—Sure. Go along this road, and you can’t miss it.
A.where was the museum B.how can I get to the museum
C.where is the museum D.how I can get to the museum
23.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________ ?
—Next Sunday.
A.when I can get back my notebook B.when can I get back my notebook
C.how long I can get back my notebook D.how long can I get back my notebook
24.(2022·四川广元·中考真题)—The 2022 Winter Olympics was held in China. Do you know ______?
—Yes. In Beijing and Zhangjiakou.
A.when it was held B.when was it held C.which cities was it held in D.which cities it was held in
