
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
9.(2021·广西百色市·中考真题)Could you please tell me ________? I want to borrow some books.
A.where is the library B.where the library is
C.where was the library D.where the library was
10.(2021·广西贵港市·中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?
—Yes. The famous volleyball coach Lang Ping.
A.who do you admire B.who you admire
C.what sports do you like D.what sports you like
11.(2021·山东滨州市·中考真题)—Did you have a good time in Shanghai?
—Yes, come and look. My photos will show you ______.
A.how did we go there B.where we will go C.when did we meet D.what the trip was like
12.(2021·山东临沂市·中考真题)— Excuse me, could you tell me ________?
— Sure. You can take the No. 2 bus from here and get off in front of the cinema.
A.when Sun Cinema closes today
B.how I can get to Sun Cinema
C.how can I get to Sun Cinema
13.(2021·江苏宿迁市·中考真题)—Sam, can you tell me ________?
—She is a nurse.
A.what Alice’s job is B.what is Alice’s job
C.what Alice’s job was D.what was Alice’s job
