2022-10-30 来源:旧番剧
It"s definitely not my cup of tea! It"s way too heavy for me. The dance scene he did after he committed his first crime gave me goosebumps. It creeped me out but it"s classic!

The move is an origin story about the craziest psycho from DC Comics. It tells a story about how he changed from a weak bullied clown into a soulless psycho killer.
这部电影描述的是关于 DC 漫画里最疯狂的一个变态角色的前传。它讲述了他是如何从一个软弱到受尽欺负的小丑,转变成一个没有灵魂的精神病杀手的故事。

But more than that, it reveals the problems of American society and the consequences of politicians failing to support and fund resources for people with mental illnesses.
重点是,它也揭示了美国社会的问题 —— 政治家未能向精神病患者提供支持和资助的后果。