
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
mix …with … 把……和……混合 mobile phone 可移动电话
morning paper 晨报 movie stars 电影名星
more and more 越来越多 more or less 或多或少
more than = not only 不仅,不只,多于,十分
(比较:more A than B 与其说B,不如说是A
no more than = only 仅仅,只不过
not more than 不超过,至多)
most of 大多数
multiply … by … ……乘以…… musical styles 音乐风格
My goodness! 天啊!
native language = mother tongue 母语 neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下,不相上下
next time 下次 next to 紧接着,相邻,在旁边,次于
nine out of ten = nine in ten 十分之九 no doubt 无疑地
no longer / more = not…any longer / more 不再,已不
no matter 不论……,无论…… not as / so… as 不像,不如
not at all = not a bit 一点也不,绝非(比较:not a little = very much 很,非常)
not later than 不迟于 not …till / until… 直到……才……
now and then 偶尔,时而 now that 既然
Nice to meet / meeting you. 很高兴见到你。
obey / break the rules 遵守/违反规定 obey / observe the law 遵守法律
object to 反对 occur to sb 使某人突然想到
offer advice about / on … 提出关于……的建议
of course 当然 of late = lately 最近,近来
of one’s own 属于自己的(比较:on one’s own = by oneself 独自,单独地)
