
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
or else 否则,要不然 or rather 或者
or so 大约,……左右 ought to 应当,应该
out of 由……里面向外,在……之外 out of breath 上气不接下气
out of danger 脱离危险 out of order 运转不正常,出毛病
out of work 失业 out of one’s reach 够不着
over and over again 多次,反复地,一再 over there 在那边
owe sb sth = owe sth to sb 把……归功于,感谢,欠(债)
owe thanks to sb for sth 因为某事感谢某人
parking lot 停车场 pay phone (投币式)公用电话
pen friend / pal 笔友 pencil case 文具盒,铅笔盒
pencil sharpener 转笔刀,削笔刀 people with disabilities = disabled people 残疾人
personal affair 隐私 persist in 坚持
phone number 电话号码 physical education 体育
pile of (homework) 一大堆(作业),一大批,一大团
places of (great) interest 名胜 pop music 流行音乐
post office 邮电局 play against … 同……比赛
play / act the role of sb = play sb 扮演某人的角色
play a part / role in … 在……中起作用 play a trick on sb 开某人的玩笑,耍弄某人
play football / basketball 踢足球/打篮球
play the piano 弹钢琴 play with 玩耍,游戏
primary school = elementary school 小学 point at 指示,指向
point to 指向 point out 指出,使注意 prefer A to B 相比B更喜欢A prepare sth 准备
