2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(一)中国感谢和铭记国际社会宝贵支持和帮助1.China Appreciates Support from the International Community
在中国疫情防控形势最艰难的时候,国际社会给予了中国和中国人民宝贵的支持和帮助。全球170多个国家领导人、50个国际和地区组织负责人以及300多个外国政党和政治组织向中国领导人来函致电、发表声明表示慰问支持。77个国家和12个国际组织为中国人民抗疫斗争提供捐赠,包括医用口罩、防护服、护目镜、呼吸机等急用医疗物资和设备。84个国家的地方政府、企业、民间机构、人士向中国提供了物资捐赠。金砖国家新开发银行、亚洲基础设施投资银行分别向中国提供70亿、24.85亿元人民币的紧急贷款,世界银行、亚洲开发银行向中国提供国家公共卫生应急管理体系建设等贷款支持。中国感谢国际社会给予的宝贵理解和支持,中国人民永远铭记在心。中华民族是懂得感恩、投桃报李的民族,中国始终在力所能及的范围内为国际社会抗击疫情提供支持。At the time when the situation in China was at its most difficult, the international community provided valuable support and assistance to our country and our people. Leaders of more than 170 countries, heads of 50 international and regional organizations, and more than 300 foreign political parties and organizations expressed solidarity and support for China through phone calls, letters, and statements. Seventy-seven countries and 12 international organizations donated emergency medical supplies, including masks, protective suits, goggles, and ventilators. Donations of materials were also made by local governments, enterprises, non-governmental organizations and people from 84 countries. The BRICS New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank provided emergency loans of RMB7 billion and RMB2.485 billion, while the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank offered loans for the building of China’s public health emergency management system. China appreciates the understanding and support of the international community, which our people will always cherish. The Chinese nation never forgets the help and generosity it receives, and always reciprocates with the same goodwill. We are now doing all we can to support the international community in the fight against the coronavirus.