
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(三)国际社会团结合作共同抗疫3.International Solidarity and Cooperation in Fighting the Pandemic
疫情在全球传播蔓延的形势令人担忧。无论是阻击病毒的传播蔓延,还是抵御不断恶化的全球经济衰退,都需要国际社会团结合作,都需要坚持多边主义、推动构建人类命运共同体。团结合作是国际社会战胜疫情最有力武器。未来的成败取决于今天的作为。中国呼吁各国紧急行动起来,更好团结起来,全面加强合作,联合抗疫,共克时艰。The global spread of Covid-19 is causing great concern. Both the fight to rein in the virus and the endeavor to fend off a deepening global recession call for the international community to stand in unity and engage in cooperation. They also call for multilateralism, and commitment to building a global community of shared future. Solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons available to the international community in the war against the pandemic. What we do today determines how we will fare in the future. China calls on all countries to act promptly, demonstrate solidarity, strengthen cooperation on all fronts, and fight the pandemic together.
