
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(12)1月9日,国家卫生健康委专家评估组对外发布武汉市不明原因的病毒性肺炎病原信息,病原体初步判断为新型冠状病毒。中国向世界卫生组织通报疫情信息,将病原学鉴定取得的初步进展分享给世界卫生组织。世界卫生组织网站发布关于中国武汉聚集性肺炎病例的声明,表示在短时间内初步鉴定出新型冠状病毒是一项显著成就。(12)January 9: The NHC expert evaluation team released information on the pathogen of the viral pneumonia of unknown cause, and made a preliminary judgment that a new coronavirus was the cause.China informed the WHO of developments and the initial progress that had been made in determining the cause of the viral pneumonia. The WHO released on its website a statement regarding a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, indicating that the preliminary identification of a novel coronavirus in such a short period of time was a notable achievement.
(13)1月10日,中国疾控中心、中国科学院武汉病毒研究所等专业机构初步研发出检测试剂盒,武汉市立即组织对在院收治的所有相关病例进行排查。国家卫生健康委、中国疾控中心负责人分别与世界卫生组织负责人就疫情应对处置工作通话,交流有关信息。(13)January 10: Research institutions including China CDC and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) came up with an initial version of test kits. Wuhan immediately began to test all relevant cases admitted to local hospitals to screen for the new coronavirus.The heads of the NHC and China CDC held separate telephone conversations with the head of the WHO about China’s response to the disease, and exchanged information.
