2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(32)2月10日,建立省际对口支援湖北省除武汉市以外地市新冠肺炎医疗救治工作机制,统筹安排19个省份对口支援湖北省武汉市以外16个市州及县级市。(32)February 10: A mechanism was established to organize pairing assistance from other provinces to Hubei’s cities other than Wuhan for treatment of the infected. Assistance from 19 provinces was rendered to 16 cities in Hubei.
(33)2月11日,国务院联防联控机制加强协调调度,供应湖北省医用防护服首次实现供大于求。(33)February 11: Thanks to strengthened coordination under the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism, the supply of medical protective suits to Hubei exceeded its needs.
(34)2月11日,中国疾控中心专家应约与美国疾控中心流感部门专家召开电话会议,沟通和分享疫情防控信息。(34)February 11: China CDC experts had a teleconference at the request of flu experts from the US CDC, during which they shared information on novel coronavirus prevention and control.
(35)2月12日,中共中央总书记习近平主持召开中共中央政治局常务委员会会议,指出疫情防控工作到了最吃劲的关键阶段,要毫不放松做好疫情防控重点工作,加强疫情特别严重或风险较大的地区防控;强调要围绕“提高收治率和治愈率”“降低感染率和病亡率”,抓好疫情防控重点环节;强调要全面增强收治能力,坚决做到“应收尽收、应治尽治”,提高收治率;强调要提高患者特别是重症患者救治水平,集中优势医疗资源和技术力量救治患者;强调人口流入大省大市要按照“联防联控、群防群控”要求,切实做好防控工作。(35)February 12: At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping noted that China’s novel coronavirus prevention and control had reached the most crucial stage. Key epidemic control tasks must be fulfilled, and greater attention must be given to the hardest-hit and high-risk areas. He called for improvements in key links in disease control to raise the admission and cure rates and lower the infection and fatality rates. Hospital capacity must be boosted to ensure admission and treatment for all patients. The best medical resources and technologies should be pooled to treat all infections, particularly the most severe cases. He urged those provinces and cities with large population inflows to strengthen cross-region joint prevention and control and society-wide efforts to contain the virus.