
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(12)5月18日,国家主席习近平在第73届世界卫生大会视频会议开幕式上发表题为《团结合作战胜疫情 共同构建人类卫生健康共同体》的致辞。(12)May 18: President Xi delivered a speech titled “Fighting Covid-19 through Solidarity and Cooperation, Building a Global Community of Health for All” at the opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly.
(13)5月21日至27日,全国政协十三届三次会议在北京举行。5月22日至28日,十三届全国人大三次会议在北京举行。(13) May 21-27: The Third Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held in Beijing. May 22-28: The Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in Beijing.
二、防控和救治两个战场协同作战II. Well-Coordinated Prevention, Control and Treatment
面对突发疫情侵袭,中国把人民生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,统筹疫情防控和医疗救治,采取最全面最严格最彻底的防控措施,前所未有地采取大规模隔离措施,前所未有地调集全国资源开展大规模医疗救治,不遗漏一个感染者,不放弃每一位病患,实现“应收尽收、应治尽治、应检尽检、应隔尽隔”,遏制了疫情大面积蔓延,改变了病毒传播的危险进程。“通过全面执行(中国)这些措施可以争取到一些时间,即使只有几天或数周,但这对最终减少新冠肺炎感染人数和死亡人数的价值不可估量。”(注1)The coronavirus caught China unawares. Putting people’s lives and health first, the Chinese government has acted swiftly to fight the virus and provide medical treatment for patients. It has adopted the most thorough, rigorous and comprehensive prevention and control measures, enforced quarantine and isolation on a scale never seen before, and mobilized medical resources across the country. It has ensured that all those in need have been tested, quarantined, hospitalized or treated. With these measures in place, China has prevented a wider spread and further development of the virus. “The time that can be gained through the full application of these measures [in China] – even if just days or weeks – can be invaluable in ultimately reducing Covid-19 illness and deaths,” says Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) published on February 28, 2020.
