
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
But Biden completely lost interest in the political world that had dominated his life just weeks before. He decided he couldn"t join the Senate. After all, senators can be replaced, but fathers can"t, and now his boys needed him more than ever. He told the Senate majority leader, Mike Mansfield, that they’d need to find someone to fill his place.
Biden"s political career might have ended right there were it not for the persistence of his colleagues. Senator Hubert Humphrey called the hospital every day to let Biden know they were thinking of him. And Mike Mansfield told him he’d already been appointed to the distinguished Steering Committee, and warned him not to throw away what he and Neilia had worked so hard for. Biden decided he owed it to Neilia to at least give the Senate a chance, and on January 5, 1973, hewas sworn into office.
