
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
This early speech showed that Biden was unafraid to take controversial positions and follow his principles. It’s something he’s practiced throughout his career. For example, he argued against federal funding for abortions, but supported a woman"s right to choose to have one. His position has angered both conservatives and women"s rights groups. But because it fits Biden"s moral compass, he refuses to budge.
Biden’s attitude has earned him respect from both sides of the aisle. Because he doesn"t vote along party lines, he’s been able to work effectively with both Democrats and Republicans on the issues he finds important.
Meant to build a life together注定在一起
In March 1975, two years after he became a senator, Biden went out on his first date with Jill Jacobs and felt something he hadn"t experienced for a long time: joy. Biden had been given the number of the young school teacher by his brother, and called her up on a whim.
