
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
burn up 消耗
burst in 闯进、闯入
burst into flames 突然着火
burst into tears/laughter 突然放声大哭/笑
burst out doing 爆发;突然
business sense 商业理念
by and by 不久以后、很快的
by chance 偶然
by degrees 逐渐地
by far 至今为止
by means of 通过……的办法
by occasionally 偶然的
by ones and twos 三三两两地、零零落落地
by oneself 独自地、独立地、单独地
by the end 在……以前
by the hour/day/week/minute/month/year 按小时/日/周/分/月/年算
by the kilogramme/ton 按公斤/吨算
by the time 一段时间前(引导时间状语从句)
by the way 顺便说一下
by this means 用这种方法
by weight/length/volume 按重量/长度/容量算
call a taxi 打的
call at sp. 拜访某地
call for ①要求 ②邀请
call in sb. 派人去请
call on sb. to do… 号召某人做某事
call on sb. 拜访某人
call one"s attention to sth. 让某人引起对……的注意
call to mind 想起
call up sb. ①使……想起 ②给……打电话
calm down 镇定下来
can"t help doing 情不自禁地……
can"t resist doing 不能抗拒做……
carry about 携带、随身带
carry away 冲垮;拿走
carry forward 发展、发扬
carry off 抢走、夺走
carry on 进行、继续
carry out one"s promise 遵守某人的诺言
