
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Jangwoo LeeI am glad to answer this question, I believe I know Vietnam and Vietnamese in general more than most of Koreans do - I’ve stayed in Ho Chi Minh where my father currently lives in.Therefore, I might have somewhat biased opinions (towards positives) on this issue, but I will try to be obxtive as much as possible.1. Innocent and kind people:Koreans think that Vietnamese people are mostly hospitable, and helpful. I felt exactly the same when I visited Vietnam, people smile more often, and don’t hesitate to help other people (especially to foreigners).It is a bit different for most Koreans, people are rather be cold-minded, goal-oriented, very much individualistic (self-centered), busy, and competitive each other. However, it’s not because Korean culture or Koreans themselves are like that, but because many of Koreans live in the cities - 2. Great foods (ever!):The Vietnamese traditional “Pho” is liked by all the Koreans, I would say. Vietnamese foods are very similar to Korean dishes, we love noodle soups, sea foods, and vegetables. Even though I like all the Asian foods in general, I can’t imagine eating Chinese, Singaporean, Thai, Malaysian, and Japanese foods for every meals, but if it is Vietnamese foods, there wouldn’t be any problems.3. Deligence:We know that Vietnamese are very diligent people as much as Koreans are. Both societies were heavily influenced by “Confucianism culture” in the society in general. Accordingly, diligence is one of the most important virtues, both people tend to pursue it.4. One of the most prospective societies:There is no doubt on this. I would say all the Koreans will agree that Vietnam is the most promising country among developing societies. Due to this expectation, there are lots of “Korean money” invested into Vietnam, not only private, also many of public sectors.Many people wish we could share our know-hows on shaping, and developing the societies to Vietnam, and also wish Vietnam could become a fully developed society in the near future as we did. It might be partly due to the a sense of guilty from Vietnam war (we all know what Korean soldiers did to many of Vietnamese people…
