
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
所以请原谅我的语法错误。对越南我们有两种感受:嫉妒和愧疚。嫉妒在于越南是一个非常独立的国家,他们实现了统一,一个统一的国家对韩国人来说意义重大,好郁闷啊,我们韩国血脉相同的兄弟老是拿枪指着我们的脑袋,朝鲜韩国的分裂是冷战的遗留问题,我们可能永远不会解决它,因为金不会放弃他的统治,中国也不会放弃朝鲜,朝韩两国将永远作为世界超级大国的缓冲区。但是越南人是非常强大和独立的人,这些年他们的经济增长非常快,而我们韩国正遭受着可怕的低出生率和老龄化问题。关于愧疚......我一直支持皿煮,但我们在帮助皿煮的南越时发生了许多可怕的事情,由于朝鲜战争,我想为战争中发生的可怕事情向越南人道歉。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
James YiThere are many South Koreans who live and have lived in Vietnam. I haven’t lived there but have visited couple of times as my father worked there for a while.These are just some notions South Koreans have of Vietnam and Vietnamese people. Therefore they may not accurate and they could be classified as bias.poor country / poor people / developing nation - unfortunately South Koreans tend to look down on Southeast Asians (fancy Asian vs jungle Asian theory)unfortunate events have happened in the past. 1) mass killing of Vietnamese villagers by South Korean army during Vietnam War. Rumor has it that South Korean units did worse things to these people than the Americans. 2) Vietnamese mail-order brides getting bought to be married to South Korean farmers who can’t find a Korean wife. Many are horribly treated. (I can imagine! I would not want to be one of them.) Some are severely beaten and even to death. This has got to stop. Seriously.“The economic dark horse of Asia”. South Korean firms and businessmen view the prospects of Vietnam very favorably. They see the old South Korea in Vietnam. They believe that Vietnamese people resemble Koreans in that they work hard, work fast and have a cut-throat attitude. They are go-getters and won’t take no for an answer. So with this work ethic, they just need good governance in order for them to accomplish developed country status. This is the reason South Koreans invest heavily on Vietnam.But what do we actually know about Vietnam? I would say besides from some food like pho, Vietnamese wrap, some tourist destinations like Ha Long Bay, Nha Trang, Saigon, Hanoi or the historically important such Ho Chi Minh, Viet Cong, the war, we do not know that much about Vietnam.在越南定居和生活过的韩国人很多,我没有住在那里,但因为我父亲在那里工作的缘故,我去过越南几次。
