
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Quan ToMost Vietnamese (especially the younger generation) don’t even know that Korea took part in the war.Anyway, we couldn’t care less even about the French and the American. The war was already decades ago.大多数越南人(尤其是年轻一代)甚至不知道韩国参加了战争。无论如何,即使是法国人和美国人,我们也毫不在乎了,因为战争已经是几十年前的事了。I"m Vietnamese, who lived in Ho Chi Minh city and had worked for a Korean company for about 3 months at the period I had just graduated from the university. Frankly speaking, I love people all around the world but Korean and Chinese are exceptions. Korean will be alway my nightmare for their bad personality such as extreme nationalism, arrogance, stingy and cracist. I hate Korean because they always treat Vietnamese in a very impolite and unrespect way. In my opinion, I don’t care what do they think about Vietnamese people because I will hate them forever. Hate hate hate hate and hate. I don’t have any other word to show my feelings, really irritate for their personality and their behavior.我是越南人,住在胡志明市,大学刚毕业时在一家韩国公司工作了大约3个月,坦率地说,我爱世界各地的人,但韩国人和中国人是例外,韩国人是我永远的噩梦,因为他们的极端民族主义、傲慢、吝啬和苛刻的坏性格。
