
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Hung VuOriginally Answered: What do Korean people think about Vietnamese people?South Korea is known for its extreme nationalism. From a very young age, students are taught that being Korean is a privilege and that they are the "best" there is. From my years befriending Koreans both from Korea and the Korean Americans, I feel as though SOME are racist. When I toured the South Korean transfer students at my school, there were 1 or 2 of them that were surprised that I was not Korean (I"m Vietnamese but I look Korean). They seemed kind of upset at it too. However, the rest of them didn"t really care. Korean Americans on the other hand are almost 100% not racist. They treat everyone the same.However, I think it is common for East Asians (Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, etc) to look down on South East Asians (Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thai, etc) partly because they don"t look alike. East Asians tend to spend more money on lightening their skin, have smaller eyes, and somewhat taller noses. South East Asians on the other hand come in all shades of color, have big eyes, and most have flat noses.韩国以其极端的民族主义而闻名,从很小的时候,学生就被教导韩国人是一个优秀的民族,他们是那里的“最好的”。
