
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Samuel KimI’ll talk about what I think about Vietnam in general.I like Vietnamese foods like pho and spring rolls.Some Koreans, especially those who couldn’t find their partner in the rural area, marry Vietnamese brides.Vietnam war.Vietnam is an underdeveloped country so they come to Korea to work.Most people think positively about Vietnam but some may look down on the Vietnamese people since they are poor and they live in a totalitarian country.我将谈谈我对越南的总体看法。
Banson ChongHere"s a guess.Koreans only look up to Americans and most Caucasians - while they detest the Japanese - they strive to catch up to them in most things.As for the Chinese - Koreans believe they predate the Chinese in most things.As for the Vietnamese - everyone should respect them as the only Asian nation that kicked two major western military nations (US and France) ass decisively.But I suspect the Koreans - due to their macho mucho feelings over most Asian countries - look down on the Vietnamese.这是一个猜测。
