
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
get broken 弄坏了
get burnt 烧着了
get caught in 遇到
get changed 换衣服
get close to sth./sb. 与……接近
get down to sth./doing 开始去做……
get good from sth. 从……中得到好处
get hold of 把握住;抓住
get hurt 受伤了
get in touch with 与……取得联系
get in 进入
get into ①坐进(轿车、出租车等) ②陷入(某种状态)之中
get into the habit of 养成……的习惯
get it settled 确定
get married 结婚(强调动作)
get off ①下车 ②脱下
get on (well) with sb./sth. 与某人(事、物)相处(得好)
get on the right track 走上正轨
get over 恢复、克服
get paid ……被付钱、得钱、挣钱
get ready for sth. 准备好……
get rid of 去除
get sb. to do/doing/done 让某人……
get separated 分开
get sth. on ……有某事
get sth. ready for 为……作准备
get through ①接通(电话) ②通过(考试) ③完成(工作、任务) ④通过(议案、计划) ⑤消息传到……
get tired of sth./doing 感到厌倦
get to know sb. (刚刚)认识某人
get to 够得着
get together 聚会
get up to one"s feet 站起来
get word 得到消息
get worse 越来越坏了
give a birth to a baby 生小孩
give a hand 帮助
give a promise 许下诺言
give A sth. for B 把为B准备的……给A
