
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
think of sth./sb./doing ①想到 ②考虑
think over 仔细想
think sb./sth. (to be) n./adj. 认为某人
think well of sb. 对……评价很高
through the street 穿街过巷
throughout the world 全世界
throw away 扔掉
throw up 呕吐
tie A to B 把A绑到B上
time and time again 一次又一次
time to do 是做……的时候了
to do what 怎么去做(作主语)
to one"s joy/delight 令……高兴的是……
to one"s surprise 令……惊奇的是……
to oneself 对自己
to tell the truth 说句实话
to the joy/delight of sb. 令人高兴
too many 太多(接可数名词复数)
too much ①太多(接不可数名词) ②太多的事(作主语)
track down 侦察、追察
trade in sth. 进行、从事……贸易
trade sth. for sth. 为了获得……而出卖……
trade sth. with sb. 与某人交易……
translate…into… 将(一种语言)翻译成(另一种语言)
treat sb./sth. as if/though 对待……好像……(有虚拟语气形式)
treat sth. as 把……看作
trust in 信仰(宗教等)
try doing 尝试去做
try one"s best to do 尽某人最大的努力
try one"s fortune 试运气
try to do 努力去做
turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见、熟视无睹
turn a deaf ear to 对……听而不闻、置若罔闻
turn against 背叛
turn away 转身
