
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
"星星雀跃着带着我的心跳进了你眼中的银河里.""The stars jump with my heart into the Milky way in your eyes"
"Life is simple, only today and tomorrow"
No lamp belongs to me. I hope you have a good life and don"t let me down. If the heart does not have a place to live, it is wandering everywhere.
"People have the ambition to soar to the clouds, but they can"t get there without luck. Everything has its own destiny"


"If it has always been a stone falling into the sea, how can we persist"
"毛巾用久了可以变成抹布 但抹布变不回毛巾 就像友情时间久了可以变成爱情 但爱情永远也变不回友情"
"A towel can become a rag after a long time, but it can"t return to towel. Just like friendship, love can become love after a long time, but love can never return to friendship. "
