
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
D. No. We will check out very soon.
( A )5.Some airlines may forbid you from ______ without proper ID.
A. boarding B. being boarding C. aboard D. on board
6. Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item. 划线部分的单词意思是禁运物品。(√)
7.Sorry, you’ll have to wait for two hours in the departure hall. After that, you can go to the transfer counter on the second floor and check in. 抱歉,您需要在航站楼等两个小时。之后您要到二楼的中转柜台办理登机手续。(×)
8.All dutiable items must be listed on your customs form, such as cigarettes, wine, perfume and so on. 所有的应纳税物品都得列在您的报关单上,比如香烟、酒、香水等。(√)
9. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 对于事故给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。(×)
10.Today"s rate of exchange is RMB 7.74 yuan for a dollar. 今天的汇率是7.74元人民币兑换1美元。(√)
11.The first thing you should do after arriving at the airport is to check-in. 到达机场后第一件要做的事儿就是选座位了。(×)
12.In order to ensure the normal operations of the airplane, cell phones are strictly prohibited. 为了保证飞机能正常操作,手机是被严禁使用的。(√)
